
Ch.23 New Moon's Date.

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                                                         犬夜叉:お伽話 庭園
                                                    Ch.23 New Moon's Date.

   When Kira and Inuyasha arrived at the shack in the modern era's Ueno Park, Inuyasha slowly opened the door to check no one was near them. He looked around one last time before he opened the sliding door completely. "Alright let's go, Kei" Inuyasha said as he took Kira by the hand and lead the way towards Kira's mother's apartment. "Do you think your family will be there?" Inuyasha asked while they walked through the enormous park.

    "Um, I'm not sure." Kira answered as she looked at a clock as they passed it. "I don't know what day of the week is it, but it's nearly 7pm."

    Inuyasha turned his attention to Kira for a moment. "It's the third day of the week" he said mockingly.

    "Oh," Kira giggled. "Well I think my mother is working right now. We should go and change our clothes."

    "Change? Our clothes aren't dirty or anything." Inuyasha protested not wanting to change his clothes.

    "We don't want to attract too much attention to ourselves with these clothes, or do you?" Kira said sarcastically.

    Inuyasha chuckled. "Keh, of course not. Let's go then..."

    They walked in silence the rest of the way through the park. Inuyasha and Kira looked around, admiring the beauty of the park, and greeted a few people that walked by. Inuyasha would look at Kira once in a while and stare at her until she would look and smile back at him. Kira on the other hand wondered about Kaeko. What was she doing, With who she might be, Was she alright, but most importantly she wondered: was she happy? Kira knew deep down that Kaeko was probably with some guy doing god knows what. Inuyasha noticed how Kira's expression began to change, from calm and sweet to somber and worried. "Kei?" Inuyasha asked worried.

    Kira kept wondering for a few moments more until Inuyasha brought her back from the turmoil in her mind, and in her soul. "Huh?"

    "Is something wrong, Kei?" Inuyasha asked worry penetrating his voice. He stopped and waited for Kira to answer.

    Kira stopped a few steps ahead of Inuyasha and turned to face him. She admired Inuyasha's dark brown eyes, then shook her head slightly. "No, it's just that I was thinking about Kaeko, that's all."

    "You want to talk about it?" Inuyasha asked, still concerned. Inuyasha, still holding Kira's hand, pulled her toward him and embraced her for a brief moment.

    "Maybe later. We need to hurry and buy all the food and things we'll need for our journey to Fukuoka" Kira said, kissing Inuyasha sweetly on the lips and starting to walk again.

    "You sure?" Inuyasha asked, still unsure.

    "I'm sure, Inuyashi," Kira smiled to reassure him. "We should hurry." Kira said pulling Inuyasha sweetly by the hand.


     Miroku tossed restlessly in his futon, unable to sleep well. He started to remember his life and the events that had brought him to that day. He remembered the day his father's kazaana had swallowed him so many years ago, and how Mushin had stopped him just in time before he could disappear with his father. Then his memory drifted when he met Sayuri. How he had saved her and took care of her, and how she had been the first one he had ever asked to bare his child. Even if she had refused then, now he knew that if he were to ask her again she would say yes. His thoughts then drifted to the time when he had met Inuyasha and Kagome, and then a few months later he met Sango. He remembered all the battles, all the moments he shared with Sango while they were pursuing Naraku, the bastard who had cursed their lives, until he was finally destroyed. Also, he remembered when he moved in with Sango after Kagome had returned to her time, when their twins were born, and when their third child was born. Then his memories drifted once again toward Sayuri: when they re-encountered, the first time the made love in that cave, when she agreed to stay at the village even after she knew that he was married to Sango, and the months they lived together. And finally his memories showed him the day Kagome returned and Sayuri left. With that last memory Miroku fell asleep.


     Inuyasha and Kira arrived to her mother's apartment and as Kira had expected, there was no one there. Kira went straight to her room and took a purple shirt and blue jeans from her closet. She then undressed and folded her kimono neatly. She quickly got dressed in more comfortable clothes and searched in the drawers of the nightstand beside her bed for some money. Once Kira found some, she went to her mother's room and searched in the closet for some clothes that might fit Inuyasha until she found a greenish t-shirt and a pair of grey jeans that her brother had left when he moved. Kira left her mother's room and found Inuyasha in the kitchen looking through the cabinets for something to eat. "Hungry?" Kira asked suddenly, scaring Inuyasha.

    Inuyasha jumped and the packages of instant ramen went flying from his hands and dropped to the floor. "Geez, don't scare me like that Kei." Inuyasha said, starting to pick up the ramen packages.

    Kira giggled, amused. "Sorry, you need a hand?" Kira said, helping Inuyasha retrieve a couple of the packages of ramen. "How about we eat some fast food while we're shopping?" Kira suggested.

    "Fast food?" Inuyasha asked raising a brow.

    "Yeah, you'll see" Kira said winking. "Here, I found this on my mother's closet. I think they will fit you." Kira said, handing him the clothes.

     "Thanks." Inuyasha said, taking the clothes from Kira and placing them on the counter. He started to strip from his haori. Kira stood there awkwardly while Inuyasha Put on the greenish shirt. When Inuyasha started to take his hakama off, Kira blushed and looked away. Inuyasha noticed how Kira had blushed and smiled, amused. He finished dressing and noticed that those pants really did fit him perfectly. "You can look now." Inuyasha said. "D'you have money?"

    Yeah, I had some in my room and when I was looking for your clothes I found some more." Kira said taking the money out of the pocket of her jeans.

    "I brought some too. Here." Inuyasha said, giving Kira the money that Sayuri had given him a while ago in case they might need it.

    "This should be enough to buy what we need." Kira said smiling.


    Kagome wondered through the village. She stopped in front of Inuyasha and Kira's hut. "Inuyasha? May I talk to you for a second?" Kagome said, entering the little hut. When she saw no one there she started to wonder where they might be. Kagome excited the hut and walked some more without really thinking where she was going. She then noticed that she had arrived at the sacred tree where it had all began, almost four years ago. She saw the hole from the arrow that Kikyou had shot to seal Inuyasha for fifty years. Kagome wondered if she would ever have another chance with Inuyasha. Even though she wasn't sure, she still hoped.


    Kira and Inuyasha left the apartment and walked on the side walk until they arrived to the 24-hour store. Kira took a little shopping cart. Inuyasha gawked at the cart suspiciously. Kira saw Inuyasha's expression and chuckled. "Come on, Inuyashi." Inuyasha followed Kira into the store. They walked through the aisles looking for instant food. "What'd you want to take?" Kira asked Inuyasha.

    "Those bags with chips that you always give me," Inuyasha said cheerfully. "Oh! and those cups of ramen. I know Miroku and Shippou like them too."

     Kira nodded and started to walk towards the aisle where all that food was. "Pick the ones you like the most and I'll go look for some fresh fruit and canned food." Kira said leaving Inuyasha with the shopping cart.

    Inuyasha sniffed around and remembered that he was in his human form. Inuyasha took ten of each flavor he recognized. "I think this will be enough." Inuyasha thought. He then moved to the section where the bags of chips were. Inuyasha was so amazed to see that there were so many flavors and kinds of potato chips that he didn't know which one he should pick. Inuyasha decided he would wait for Kira to help him with that.

    Kira walked to the fruit section and picked the fruits that would take longer to spoil. She grabbed apples, pears, peaches, plums and grapes. Kira returned to the aisle where Inuyasha had filled the cart with instant ramen soup cups. She placed the fruit on top and noticed that Inuyasha hadn't grabbed any chips yet. "Aren't you taking chips this time Inuyashi?"

    "Yeah, but I don't know which ones I'll pick." Inuyasha said, frustrated.

    Kira looked around all the brands and kinds of potato chips until she found the brand she always bought for Inuyasha. Kira took three bags and placed them in the cart with the rest of the food. Kira pushed the cart to the next aisle where the canned food was. Inuyasha followed her close behind, sniffing around.


    "Haruto, I need clean cloths and a bucket of water. She has fever and she's lost too much blood." The doctor said starting to rip Sayuri's clothes to fully see the extent of her injuries.

    "Yes, milady Yuka." Haruto answered hurrying toward the shelves containing the cloths. He then hurried out the door and went looking for water.

    "Who are you?" Yuka wondered as she changed the cloths impregnated with blood. "Though you don't live in this village you helped us nonetheless." Yuka was grateful to that strange woman who had helped Haruto and the rest of the men of the village fight the invasion of those youkai. When Haruto returned with the water, Yuka asked him to start a fire to clean a sword to seal the deepest wounds with.


    Kira and Inuyasha exited the grocery store with the cart full of food. Kira also remembered to add medicine to the list. Kira and Inuyasha walked back to Kira's mother's apartment so they could leave the plastic bags and move the food into a more comfortable bag. When they arrived once again at the apartment, Kira and Inuyasha placed the bags on the floor. Kira walked to the closet, where her mother usually hung the coats, and looked for her old camping bag. "Inuyashi, can you help me arrange the bag please?" Kira asked starting to put the canned food at the bottom of the bag.

    "Sure Kei." Inuyasha said with a grin on his face as he kneeled beside her and started to pass the cans to Kira.

     After they finished with the canned food, they started to stack the packs of instant ramen. Then they continued with the medicine, and finally they finished with the fruit. "I think that's everything." Inuyasha said smiling to Kira.

    "Yeah, it looks like it." Kira smiled back.

    "So shall we go eat that fast food you promised?" Inuyasha asked mischievously.

    Kira giggled. "Yes, we can go now Inuyashi." She then tried to pick up the bag but couldn't.

    "I'll carry it, Kei." Inuyasha said taking the bag on his shoulders. "Let's go then."

    Inuyasha and Kira didn't have to walk far to find a fast-food restaurant. They entered and Inuyasha placed the heavy bag on a table and told Kira to order anything she wanted, and that he would eat the same. Kira walked to the counter and ordered two cheese burgers with fries and a large lemonade. When the order was ready, Kira took the burgers to the table where Inuyasha waited. "Hope you like burgers." Kira said, unwrapping her cheeseburger.

     Inuyasha took his and smelled it suspiciously. He mimicked Kira as he unwrapped his burger. He took a big bite and chewed slowly tasting the meat, the cheese and the buns. Inuyasha liked the taste and took another bite, now more encouraged. Kira smiled seeing that Inuyasha was enjoying his cheeseburger. Inuyasha and Kira ate quietly, but Inuyasha made Kira laugh with his expression when he tasted the pickles. He would then laugh too. When they had finished eating, Kira tossed the trash into the can and placed the tray in its proper place. "We should go now, it's getting late." Inuyasha said as he took the bag once again and rested it on his shoulder. Inuyasha held Kira's hand as they made their way back to Ueno Park.

    "Inuyashi, will you leave me?" Kira asked breaking the silence and finally speaking out loud the fear that ate her very soul.

    Inuyasha's dark brown gaze widened in surprise. He wondered if Kagome's return had made Kira think that he would leave her for Kagome. Inuyasha stopped and made Kira look at him. "No, Kei. I won't leave you unless you want me to." Inuyasha said, looking straight into Kira's eyes, speaking what his heart was told him. He hoped that Kira would not ask him to leave her.

     "I don't want to you to leave me, Inuyashi." Kira said, hugging Inuyasha tightly.

     "Then I would never leave you." Inuyasha said, realizing that he really mean it. He now realized that the inexplicable feeling that he had for Kira was love. Inuyasha thought that after the death of Kikyou he would not be able to love anyone else. He thought he loved Kagome, but he realized now that he only felt attracted to her because she looked a lot like Kikyou. Inuyasha then felt the urge to kiss Kira. Make her forget all the worry and fear she had with that kiss, even if his life depended on it. He bent until his lips were near hers. He caressed Kira's cheek and kissed her sweetly. "Don't worry Kei, I won't leave you."

     "Thank you, Inuyashi." Kira said hugging him again.

    They started to walk again toward the shack. When they finally arrived, Inuyasha stopped at the door and held Kira close. He kissed her again before entering the shack and disappearing into the blue light that would take them back into the feudal era.

犬夜叉:お伽話 庭園 Ch.23 New Moon's Date.

This chapter was based on a drawing i made last week. [link] Titled as this chapter.
On this chapter Kira and Inuyasha are in the modern era and shop for the food and medicines they'll need in their journey. ^-^
Also Yuka appears for the first time!
Also the fear that seems to always hunt Kira ever since her friend Kaeko ruined their friendship.
Miroku's thoughts and memories from all his life.
Kagome's hopes that Inuyasha might take her back.

Ch.22 A New Journey [link]

On this chapter i tried something different. :icondianna-hunte: Asked me if she could be the editor of my chapters and correct my misspelled words i might have. ^-^

Sayuri 沙悠理 (c) 中村舞美 (me)
犬夜叉:お伽話 庭園
Yukiko ゆ起子(c) :iconbigred767:
犬夜叉: 紅月明
Kira 蓉勢  輝 (c) 枦川 久美子 :iconkinuyara:
犬夜叉 遡源
Yuka Hisashi 郁香 久志 (c) 振川 雨夜 :iconyukathedemon:
犬夜叉 -接続
Inuyasha and all its characters (c) Rumiko Takahashi.
Edition and Spelling correction. :icondianna-hunte:
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Sessy-Lady's avatar
Hi, nice update. Just wanted to say she can hope all she wants, but I hope there's not that much hope in the world.

loved this---he only felt attracted to her because she looked a lot like Kikyou

sorry, but maybe you can look at the following sentence. It didn't seem right:
What was she doing, With whom she might be, Was she alright, but most importantly she wondered: was she was

Oh, just one other thing, did they pack the feudal era clothes in the camping bag? :icongrin--plz: